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executive board

Recruiment & Marketing VP

Ashlyn Pace

Membership Education VP

Rachel Paganelli

 Executive Vice President

Amanda Bissinger


Leah Novarese

Our President

Cedcricka Westmoreland

Letter from our President:




Welcome to the Beta Beta chapter of Alpha Delta Pi here at the University of Tennessee in Chattanooga. Alpha Delta Pi was founded on the four principle values of scholarship, leadership, service to others, and sisterhood. As a member of this chapter, is it our duty to live our daily lives by focusing and remembering why our founders created this organization. Being a member of any sorority means you are representing so much more than yourself. As President of this chapter, I can truly say that I have become the best version of myself by living by the values of this organization and by keeping our creed close to my heart. I have seen the way my chapter changes my sisters for the better, and I can see how my sisters continue to live out our creed in their day to day lives. This sisterhood has pushed myself, and many other members out of our comfort zones to become the people we have always wanted to be. 


College is time full of first experiences, and a majority of people travel some distance from home. Going Greek allows you to find a home away from home full of sisters ready to act as your support system. Not only will you be creating long lasting bonds with the sister in your chapter, but you will be bettering and preparing yourself for life throughout and even after college. When I came to college, I was looking to be a part of something bigger than myself and a sisterhood where I felt the most comfortable. I can honestly say I found all of that in Alpha Delta Pi. During recruitment, I had authentic, meaningful conversations with members I had never seen before, and I could feel how much I was wanted in this chapter.


Being a part of this organization has truly made me the best version of myself. My sisters were able to see the skills in me that I was unable to see myself, and I am forever grateful for that. I would not be who I am today or in the position that I am in if it weren’t for this sorority and all of my sisters. I hope that going Greek will affect your life for the better just like it has for me. If you have any questions about my organization, please feel free to follow ADPi on social media and to reach out to me as well!



Cedricka Westmoreland

Panhellenic Delegate

Sarah Webb

Social Chair

Claire Monar

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